Today I am going to reveal the Propeller ads scam. For the last few months some of my website runs Propeller ads. One day I got a notice from Google Safeweb says some script in the website injecting malicious software to user's machine or send visitors to harmful websites. As a result, my website has been blocked by all popular web browser. But I won’t write any such script and my hosting is free of virus. So I doubt Propeller ad scripts on my website. I had removed the Propeller ads script and apple Google to review their decision. Google revealed it and removed blocking.
Now the problem is solved, but I had planned to start an investigation on this, because if it is due to Propeller ads, It should not happen to other. If Google Safeweb block your website or blog, your web ranking goes down and you lose many visitors. So it leads to huge economic loss.
Now the real cheating occurs. I had written a support ticket to Propeller ads saying that I had experienced Google blocking issue due to Propeller ads. They replayed like ‘Yes, there is such trend on the market and we recommend to use Direct Ad with a Download button’. From the replay it is clear that Propeller ads use malicious script and that causes huge losses to the website.
Later I wrote a mail to Propeller ads saying that I am a freelancer who wish to become a Propeller ad publisher. In this mail I asked them did using Propeller ads leads to Google ban. They replied ‘We don't run any advertisement that can lead to banning of Google’. It is cheating, in the previous mail they said their ads cause Google ban and recommended to use download button. Now in this mail they say no ban issues are facing. This is really cheating.
They are cheating more people day by day. So friends, please won’t be part of Propeller ads. It may routine your reputation.