Html 5 an review

HTML is the short form of Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages. A wide range of HTML versions are available. Html 5 is one among them. HTML 5 is not in its final version yet but more and more sites have started using it. HTML 5 attempts to meet the requirements of the new Web and to make it easier to publish Web 2.0 content.

The new elements in HTML 5 are the most notable introduction. These new elements are intended to better meet the requirements of Web 2.0 sites and to simplify development. It is not possible to list all the new elements. Here I will present only some of the new elements and attributes as follows:

1.  <article> – This attribute is used to separate articles, blog posts, and other text content. With so many blogs and article sites, this element is extremely useful.

2.  <header> and <footer> – These new elements are used for the header and footer of the page and they can replace the <div> elements we use today to identify many elements, including headers and footers. Since headers and footers are present on almost any page, it is good that now they have an element of their own.

3.  <nav> – Similar to <header> and <footer>, <nav> is a dedicated element for the navigational items that we presently put in <div>.

4.  <audio> and <video> – Audio and video content is so common and so Web.20-like that it is really great that they made it easier to use audios and videos on a page. The <audio> and <video> elements make it easier to embed audios and videos, respectively.

In addition to introducing new tags, the development community also modified existing tags. Some of the modified tags are:

1.  <a> – When the <a> element is used without an <href> attribute, this is a placeholder for a link.

2.  <b> – The new function of the <b> element is rather vague. It is not bold but it is still a way to mark a chunk of text as different from the rest. You can use it for keywords, product names, etc.

3.  <hr> – The <hr> element is now a type of break (a paragraph-level thematic break, to be more precise).

4.<i> – The <i> element also marks a chunk of text as different from the rest but its usage is very diverse. You can use it for names, idioms, technical terms, etc.

Similarly some of the tags are removed made the HTML 5 simple and flexible, meets the necessary requirements for Web 2.0.